Monday, 9 May 2011

yeah so im back-logging. bloggin

Oct 21st - Paper Scissors Stone A/W Fashion Show.

Got an e-mail through LCA for this fashion show just after freshers, around that time we started with the fashion illustration, I thought it would be a good idea to nip down and have a look...on my tod...with a sketchbook...nice!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Each To Their Own - Fashion Show 23rd March

For the last three years I have worked for a small business called Each To Their Own, I have worked under the fashion designer who founded the business Alex Christopher, the store is open for talented fashion designers who want to showcase and sell their unique designs to the public.

Here was the first show that we have organized purely for promotion of the brands that we stock and also to showcase up and coming designs.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Flat Packed

Research sheets into my choosen theme - Flat Packed.

Started off with brainstorms...

Beginning of research sheets looking at cylindrical shapes, textures and inspiration...

Manchester - Shop Report

New module, new resolution, get off to a good start! Acting upon this strange new positivity, Fiona, Georgie and I packed our bags and headed out to the great outdoors...and ended up in Manchester.

We had to collect information/sketches/imagery etc. for a comparitive shop report. The novelty of being in a different city and acting like school children soon wore off at around 3pm, which meant I became that kid who sat down in the middle of a busy Primark.

Friday, 21 January 2011


Earlier on in January I took a trip to the cinema (exciting), I found myself buying a ticket for the 3D 'spectacular' TRON: Legacy, in fairness I did not have a clue what it was all about, niether did I know that this was a sequel to the previous TRON relseased in the 80's. As the story goes the son of a major computer designer had disappeared many moons ago, his son sets out to find his father and discovers him in a digital world, one which his father had created...this was called, 'The Grid'.
This movie was amazing to look at, the 3D was the best ive seen and more importantly the costumes in the movie got me thinking about electronic wear...I have scanned the web and have found designers who have emcompassed these ideas in there design, with the use of LEDs...these dresses are unreal, and it makes me feel as if ive been given a sneek peek into the future (exciting)... 

Thursday, 30 September 2010

Can't Beat a 60's Advert!

Even though these adverts tickled the ole' brown belly, I do love the style of the adverts in the 60's, the images are strong, and the choice in colours are bold, they are fun and playful, I can actually taste the 60's, and it tastes like sugary drinks and cigarettes. advertising campaigns. take note...

Swinging 60's. "Yeah, Baby, Yeah!"

'Mother Mary' or just Mary Quant. First designer not to shy away from the 'mod' scene (check the hair!), Also one of the designers who contributed to the creation of the 'miniskirt', God bless you Quant.